Carlos Payá, PhD Candidate

Hi! I’m Carlos, currently a PhD Candidate working in the Theroy of Quantum Materials and Solid State Quantum Technologies group at Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), CSIC, under the supervision of Elsa Prada and Ramón Aguado.

My work focuses on the theoretical and simulational study of the realiztaion of topological superconductors with hybrid materials, specifically quasi-1D nanowires, and their potential applications in quantum computing. Although my expertise is in theoretical and computational physics, I collaborate closely with several experimental groups by performing sophisticated numerical simulations.

You can reach me by email:

Latest publication

Check our latest paper, Phenomenology of Majorana zero modes in full-shell hybrid nanowires, here. Everything you ever wanted to know (theoretically) about Majoranas in full-shell nanowires.

A little summary, in this X thread.

Hybrid Majorana nanowire schematic